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11:11 Warriors of the Heart

Posted by Shari
Invitation into the temple of your own heart Keeping our hearts soft - Egyptian test to see if it is light as a feather, Low vibration deeds,words, and actions weigh it down - Careful what we dream in to manifest today, Unity Consciousness - THIS IS WHO WE ARE...11:11 Exercise into your heart Decks Used Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle - Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor, The Language of Light Rebecca Campbell Spray Pink Lotus Heart Chakra energy available at To donate (Thank you) to help this channel continue and improve and keep all content accessible for everyone …. Instagram: Angelic Celestial Colours Other Website: To donate (Thank you) to help this channel continue and improve and keep all content accessible for everyone …. Happy 11:11 everyone - love you all xx
Posted November 11, 2020
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